
Community Money Advice (CMA) is a national charity committed to supporting churches and community groups who have a passion to help people overcome their money problems. CMA provides all the resources, training and support needed to establish and maintain local, free, face to face money advice services.

CMA Debt Centre Greenwich was established in 2021 by the Churches in Greenwich as a Community Chaplaincy Project to bring a Christ centred approach of freedom from the burden debt within the community.   

In partnership with CMA,
Debt Centre Greenwich provides residents access to free debt help throughout the borough.

CMA is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

If you are struggling with unmanageable debt the first step is to call our friendly local team free on 0800 208 8410, visit us at our drop in sessions at the Greenwich Foodbank, or send us a message.

Our friendly local Team will give you an opportunity to talk, in confidence, about your situation. There is no obligation to take things further.

If you wish to go ahead, the team will pair you with one of our friendly Money Mentors.

Your Money Mentor will arrange an appointment to visit you for a preliminary face-to-face session.

They take a full picture of your finances.

Your Money Mentor will work with you to set up an affordable budget that you can stick to and provide a route out of debt; stepping in between the creditors and yourself.

It normally takes three meetings of going through your paperwork until you are offered one or more options for formally dealing with your debts.

Our service is friendly, confidential, supportive and completely free.

Our free service, is run through the local churches, providing the practical, emotional and spiritual support needed to start your debt free journey.

We know that debt does not discriminate. Therefore, we seek to ensure that nobody receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual preference or disability. All are welcome around our table.

We will walk with you every step of the way, because at CMA Debt Centre Greenwich, we believe there is freedom from debt and a hope for the future.

We would love to share the inspiring stories of how your support is bringing hope across the borough. Sign up to receive our latest news.

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